Dr. Shibu Simon, MVSc., PhD, Associate Professor & Course Director, PG Diploma Small Animal Theriogenology, KVASU, has published more than 65 research papers in peer reviewed scientific journals and presented 80 papers/lead papers in international/national conferences. Has edited a text book on Small Animal Theriogenology and authored a scientific book on dogs in vernacular. His master’s thesis (1995-97) was on the standardisation of EVC, hormonal induction of oestrus, semen collection and AI in canines and led to the first successful AI in canines in Kerala in mid 90s. His Doctoral research focused on Conceptus echobiometry and Doppler ultrasonographic assessment of maternal and foetal blood flow in canine pregnancy (2015). Has guided 27 postgraduate/doctoral research scholars as Major/Minor advisor. He has received numerous awards for academic excellence and outstanding service to the profession that include Dr. N.P. Panicker Endowment Award for the best post graduate student (1997), Dr. Thomas Joseph Award for the Best Veterinarian (1999) and Appreciation award from the Board of Management, KVASU (2016). Has served as Editor (2004-2007) and Consulting Editor (2010) of Journal of Indian Veterinary Association (JIVA), Editor of Professional Diary of IVA (2010) and Associate Editor (2006 to 2013) of Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (JVAS). He is the Representative for India (SAVAK) at FASAVA Assembly, State President, Small Animal Veterinary Association, Kerala (SAVAK) and State Secretary, Indian Society for the Study of Animal Reproduction.
Kerala Veterinary & Animal Sciences University