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Accreditation: DVSC
Dr. Chen obtained her DVM from Universiti Putra Malaysia. Inspired to walk the path of education, she pursued post-graduate studies and completed her residency in Veterinary Anaesthesiology at the Ontario Veterinary College.
Dr. Chen is a member of the Malaysia College of Veterinary Specialist and has over 20 years of experience in the practice of veterinary anaesthesia and analgesia. Aside from didactic and clinical instructions in anaesthesia, she actively participates in collaborative works and research. She has authored and co-authored more than 100 articles and proceedings.
Dr. Chen also serves as a member and associate member of the animal care and use committee of numerous institutions and agencies.
Universiti Putra Malaysia
Accreditation: AiCVIM (Internal Medicine)
Hee-Myung Park received a Bachelor, MS and PhD degrees in Veterinary Medicine at Seoul National University (SNU), Republic of Korea from 1989 – 1999. He also was a researcher of Cellular Biology in the Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics at the same University. And he has practised in small animal medicine, as a teaching assistant, Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital, SNU.
He was a postdoctoral research associate at University of Tennessee, TN, USA from 1999 to 2002.
He has experienced nephrology and hemodialysis cases and skills at UC Davis, USA in 2007 and 2014 as a visiting professor. He was director of VMTH & dean, Konkuk University from 2012 to 2017.
Currently he is a KAHA representative of WSAVA Ambassador and serves a vice present of the Korean Society of Veterinary Circulation and Veterinary clinical Nutrition.
Konkuk University
Accreditation: DAiCVIM (Internal Medicine)
Dr. Joseph Cyrus comes from the southern state of India, Kerala where he received his veterinary degree in 2007. He subsequently did a master’s in veterinary medicine with a research focus on canine gastro-esophageal diseases from the neighbouring state of Karnataka, India. After spending some time in specialty practice in India, he went to pursue his Ph.D. and specialty training (internship and residency) in Small Animal Internal Medicine at the College of Veterinary and Biomedical Science at Texas A&M University which he completed in 2018. He currently works as a small animal internist in Sherwood Park, Alberta. Within the discipline of Internal Medicine, Dr. Cyrus has a special interest in small animal gastroenterology, particularly the exocrine pancreas, oesophagus, and minimally invasive diagnostic procedures like endoscopy. Additionally, Dr. Cyrus has an interest in infectious diseases given his training in India and Texas, and affections of the renal and urinary system.
Pulse Veterinary Specialists and Emergency
Accreditation: DAiCVIM (internal medicine)
Professor Dr. Malaika Watanabe is currently employed at IMU University as Head, Department of Veterinary Science, School of Medicine. She has vast teaching, research and clinical experience and served as academic staff of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, UPM for 14 years prior to her current appointment. She was also the head of Small Animal Medicine (wards) and internal medicine consultant at University Veterinary Hospital during her tenure. She has conducted numerous continuing education lectures related to internal medicine and has published extensively in her topic of interest, namely canine and feline infectious diseases with special emphasis on parasitic and vector-borne diseases.
IMU University
Dr. Shibu Simon, MVSc., PhD, Associate Professor & Course Director, PG Diploma Small Animal Theriogenology, KVASU, has published more than 65 research papers in peer reviewed scientific journals and presented 80 papers/lead papers in international/national conferences. Has edited a text book on Small Animal Theriogenology and authored a scientific book on dogs in vernacular. His master’s thesis (1995-97) was on the standardisation of EVC, hormonal induction of oestrus, semen collection and AI in canines and led to the first successful AI in canines in Kerala in mid 90s. His Doctoral research focused on Conceptus echobiometry and Doppler ultrasonographic assessment of maternal and foetal blood flow in canine pregnancy (2015). Has guided 27 postgraduate/doctoral research scholars as Major/Minor advisor. He has received numerous awards for academic excellence and outstanding service to the profession that include Dr. N.P. Panicker Endowment Award for the best post graduate student (1997), Dr. Thomas Joseph Award for the Best Veterinarian (1999) and Appreciation award from the Board of Management, KVASU (2016). Has served as Editor (2004-2007) and Consulting Editor (2010) of Journal of Indian Veterinary Association (JIVA), Editor of Professional Diary of IVA (2010) and Associate Editor (2006 to 2013) of Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (JVAS). He is the Representative for India (SAVAK) at FASAVA Assembly, State President, Small Animal Veterinary Association, Kerala (SAVAK) and State Secretary, Indian Society for the Study of Animal Reproduction.
Kerala Veterinary & Animal Sciences University
Accreditation: DJCVP (Pathology)
Dr. Ishida was born in 1950 in Tokyo. His father was Professor Kiichi Ishida, a veterinary pathologist at the University of Tokyo. He graduated from International Christian University in 1973 with a BA degree. He then spent three years at Nippon Veterinary and Zootechnical College, graduating with a DVM degree in 1976. His graduate studies were at the University of Tokyo, where he obtained his PhD in 1981 with research focusing on coronavirus pathology. After working at the Institute of Medical Science, University of Tokyo, as a research associate for one year, he joined the University of California, Davis as a postdoctoral fellow.
At UC Davis, he joined the Oncology Section in the Department of Surgery at the School of Veterinary Medicine, under the mentorship of Dr. Theilen and Dr. Pedersen, where he studied molecular biology and immunology for three years. He returned to Japan and became an assistant professor of clinical pathology at Nippon Veterinary and Zootechnical College in 1985. His groundbreaking research on feline AIDS earned him the first Academic Award from the Japanese Veterinary Medical Association.
Subsequently, he became a board-certified pathologist and a member of the Japanese College of Veterinary Pathologists (JCVP). He left the college as an associate professor in 1998 and joined Akasaka Animal Hospital in Tokyo as the medical director. In the same year, he founded the Japanese Board of Veterinary Practitioners (JBVP) and initiated nationwide continuing education lecture series. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, he had been educating approximately 1,000 young veterinarians every month, travelling from Hokkaido to Okinawa and extending his teaching to East Asian nations, including Taiwan, China, and Korea. After retiring JBVP in 2020, he became the Honorary Chairman of JBVP. He is also the President of Japanese Society of Feline Medicine (JSFM) and Japan Veterinary Cancer Society (JCVM). As of July 2024, he is taking over the Presidency of FASAVA.
His lectures encompass a broad spectrum of veterinary internal medicine, with special expertise in feline medicine, hematology, cytology, immunological diseases, endocrine diseases, and oncology. His ongoing clinical research focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of FIP, activated T lymphocyte therapy for malignancy, and regenerative medicine using stem cells.
Akasaka Animal Hospital
Woong-Bin Ro graduated from College of Veterinary Medicine, Konkuk University, Republic of Korea in 2014
He currently serves as a Professor, Department of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine, Chonnam National University, Korea since 2023.
He previous experience includes Director of Internal Medicine department, 24 Hour Shine Animal Medical Center, Korea (2023-2023), Cardiorespiratory specialist veterinarian, Cat hospital Cat Vet, Korea (2021-2023), Chief of Internal Medicine department, Yonggang Animal Hospital, Korea (2017-2018, Intern/Resident and Internal Medicine Team Leader, Konkuk University Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital, Korea (2014-2017), PhD and post-doctoral researcher at Konkuk University College of Veterinary Medicine, Korea (2020-2022)
Chonnam National University